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Sales & Support

The management and operation of all activities related to selling products and services.

Sales & Support

Sales & Support is the business function or domain that plans and performs the day-to-day sales and customer support activities. The primary objective of Sales & Support is to create customer demand of any kind, within defined service levels and revenue objectives.


The daily operational sales and support activities are grouped in level-1 Processes

  • Plan - The planning of resources to sell products and services and support customers
  • Sell - The selling of products and services to customers and partners
  • Contract - The development, negotiation and closing or acceptance of customer contracts
  • Assist - Providing support to customer inquiries, issues and complaints


Search Our Complete List of processes, metrics, practices and terms relevant to Sales & Support.


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Sales & Support {{{level}}}
"{{{level}}}" is not a number.
Sales, Customer, Service, Sell, Contract, Assist, Agent, Distributor, Support, Sales & Support The management and operation of all activities related to selling products and services