IAS 16 establishes principles for recognizing property, plant and equipment as assets, measuring their carrying amounts, and measuring the depreciation charges and impairment losses to be recognised in relation to them. Property, plant and equipment are tangible items that:
are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes; and are expected to be used during more than one period. Property, plant and equipment includes bearer plants related to agricultural activity.
The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment is recognised as an asset if, and only if:
it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the entity; and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. An item of property, plant and equipment is initially measured at its cost. Cost includes:
After recognition, an entity chooses either the cost model or the revaluation model as its accounting policy and applies that policy to an entire class of {{t:PP&E]]:
Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life. Depreciable amount is the cost of an asset, or other amount substituted for cost, less its residual value. Each part of an item of property, plant and equipment with a cost that is significant in relation to the total cost of the item is depreciated separately. The depreciation charge for each period is recognised in profit or loss unless it is included in the carrying amount of another asset. The depreciation method used reflects the pattern in which the asset’s future economic benefits are expected to be consumed by the entity. To determine whether an item of property, plant and equipment is impaired, an entity applies IAS 36 Impairment of Assets.
IAS 16 Property, Plant & Equipment is Copyright: IFRS Foundation Supply Chain Costs
ID | Name | Level | x |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards | 0 | IFRS |
IAS16 | IAS 16 Property, Plant & Equipment | 1 | IAS16 |
ID | Name | Clear | x |
Depreciation | Depreciation | Depreciation | |
IAS36 | IAS 36 Impairment of Assets | IAS36 | |
IAS41 | IAS 41 Agriculture | IAS41 | |
PP&E | Property, Plant & Equipment | PP&E |