

Create Order

The activities associated with receiving, validating and entering orders for products and services. This includes activities associated with validating the existence and accuracy of customer data (sold-to, ship-to), pricing information, customer credit and product/item numbers. In many use cases this process is initiated by the receipt of a purchase order from the customer.

Use cases

  • Standard Sales Order entry
  • Intra-company order entry
  • Stock Transfer Order entry
  • Replacement product order entry for a customer return
  • Entry of orders for commercial samples/free-of-charge orders
  • In a factory: Entry of orders to move the product to a warehouse or distributions center
  • In Retail: scanning the items in the check-out process

In many use cases the desired outcome of this process is a ‘clean order’. A clean order is an order that is free of any blocks, holds or flags preventing it from shipping (assuming inventory and capacity are available).

Validation may include credit checks for some or all customers, but is less common for replenishment and uncommon for inventory move orders.


In a retail store Create Order is part of the Checkout process. Quote-to-Cash Order-to-Cash Error-free Documentation Ratio Deliver Cycle Time Order Processing Delays Distribution Costs Order Management Cost


D102Create Order3D102


DP15Error-free Documentation Ratio2DP15
RS121Entry-to-Processing Cycle Time3RS121
RS22Order Processing Delays2RS22
CO12Distribution Costs2CO12
CO121Order Management Cost3CO121


SOSales OrderSO
STOStock Transfer OrderSTO
Note: Common inputs and outputs are listed in alphabetical order. Other inputs and outputs may be required to support varying use cases.Create Order Deliver-From-Stock 410200 3 {{{keywords}}} {{{description}}}