

Subscription Economy

Subscription Economy is the Supply Chain Configuration Strategy that enables products and services to be delivered through a subscription model. Unlike with other Supply Chain Strategies/Business Models, the assets are not transfered from the Supplier to the Customer. This means that the customer moves these assets from a Capital Expenditure to Operational Expenditure accounting.

Subscription Economy is one of the five Supply Chain Configuration Strategies: Make-to-Stock (MTS), Make-to-Order (MTO), Engineer-to-Order (ETO), Reverse Logistics, and Subscription Economy.

Use Cases

  • Operational Lease
  • Software-As-A-Service
  • Anything/Everything-As-A-Service


Alternative names include: As-A-Service.


SCCSSupply Chain Configuration Strategy1SCCS
AASSubscription Economy2AAS


D5Deliver Subscription2D5
D501Create (Re-)Order3D501
D502Route Order3D502
D503Confirm Order3D503
D504Record Delivery/Enablement3D504
D505Create Consolidated Invoice3D505
Subscription Economy Supply Chain Configuration Strategy 5 2 Supply Chain, OPEX The supply chain configuration strategy that enables products to be returned to the seller or the seller's agent with the intent to perform maintenance, repair, overhaul or issue a replacement