- 110 (EDI 110 Air Freight Details and Invoice)
- 180 (EDI 180 Return Merchandise Authorization and Notification)
- 1PBS (1-Page Business Strategy)
- 1PL (First-Party Logistics)
- 204 (EDI 204 Motor Carrier Load Tender)
- 210 (EDI 210 Motor Carrier Freight Invoice)
- 214 (EDI 214 Transportation Carrier Status Update)
- 2PL (Second-Party Logistics)
- 2WM (Two-Way Matching)
- 300 (EDI 300 Reservation/Booking Request (Ocean))
- 301 (EDI 301 Booking Confirmation (Ocean))
- 303 (EDI 303 Booking Cancellation (Ocean))
- 304 (EDI 304 Shipping Instructions (Ocean))
- 309 (EDI 309 Customs Manifest)
- 310 (EDI 310 Freight Receipt and Invoice (Ocean))
- 312 (EDI 312 Arrival Notice (Ocean))
- 315 (EDI 315 Status Details (Ocean))
- 323 (EDI 323 Vessel Schedule and Itinerary (Ocean))
- 3PL (Third-Party Logistics)
- 3WM (Three-Way Matching)
- 4PL (Fourth-Party Logistics)
- 4WM (Four-Way Matching)
- 511 (EDI 511 Requisition)
- 5PL (Fifth-Party Logistics)
- 810 (EDI 810 Invoice)
- 820 (EDI 820 Payment order/Remittance Advice (EFT))
- 830 (EDI 830 Planning Schedule/Material Release)
- 850 (EDI 850 Purchase Order)
- 855 (EDI 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement)
- 856 (EDI 856 Ship Notice/Manifest (ASN))
- 861 (EDI 861 Receiving Advice)
- 862 (EDI 862 Shipping Schedule)
- 990 (EDI 990 Load Tender Response)
- 997 (EDI 997 Functional Acknowledgment)
- A2R (Acquire-to-Retire)
- AAS (Subscription Economy)
- ABC (ABC Analysis)
- AC (Accessorial Charge)
- AC01 (Fuel Surcharge)
- AC02 (Truck Ordered Not Used)
- AC03 (Detention With Power)
- AC04 (Detention without Power)
- AC05 (Layover Charge)
- AC06 (Hazardous Material Charge)
- AC07 (Pallet Jack Charge)
- AC08 (Un/Loading Charge)
- AC09 (Team Charge)
- AC10 (Congestion Charge)
- AC11 (Out-of-Route)
- AC12 (Reconsignment/Diversion Charge)
- AC13 (Stop-off Charge)
- AC14 (Redelivery Charge)
- AC15 (Insurance)
- AC16 (Customs Charge)
- AC17 (Weigh/Scale Accessorial Charge)
- AC18 (Proof of Delivery Charge)
- AC19 (Pallet Exchange)
- ACK (Order Acknowledgment)
- AP (Accounts Payable)
- AP (Approve)
- AR (Accounts Receivable)
- ASN (Advance Shipment Notice)
- ATO (Assemble-to-Order)
- ATP (Available-To-Promise)
- AVL (Approved Vendor List)
- AWB (Air Waybill)
- Accessorial (Accessorial Charge)
- Air (Air Transport)
- Appetite (Risk Appetite)
- B2B (Business-to-Business)
- B2C (Business-to-Customer)
- B2E (Business-to-Employee)
- B2G (Business-to-Government)
- BANT (BANT Qualification Framework)
- BC (Blockchain)
- BF (Backflushing)
- BMC (Business Model Canvas)
- BOFU (Bottom of Sales Funnel)
- BOL (Bill of Lading)
- BOM (Bill of Materials)
- BSC (Balanced Scorecard)
- BSC-VS (Vision Statement)
- BSM (Business Strategy Map)
- Best Practice
- Bulk (Bulk Cargo)
- Business Plan
- Buy (Buy Product)
- Buyer (Buyer)
- C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT))
- C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer)
- CAC (Core Accessorial Charge)
- CC (Core Capability)
- CE (Circular Economics)
- CE1 (Extending)
- CE2 (Sharing)
- CE3 (Repurpose)
- CE4 (Renewable)
- CEP (Courier Express and Parcel)
- CFR (Cost and Freight (Destination Port))
- CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight (Destination Port))
- CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To (Destination))
- CKD (Complete Knock Down)
- CLC (Customer Life Cycle)
- CM (Contract Manufacturer)
- COA (Certificate of Analysis)
- COC (Certificate of Compliance)
- CODP (Customer Order Decoupling Point)
- CONTRL (EDIFACT Syntax and Service Report (CONTRL))
- COO (Certificate of Origin)
- COTD (Complete & On-Time Delivery)
- CP (Commodity Profile)
- CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods)
- CPQ (Configure, Price & Quote Software)
- CPT (Carrier Paid To (Destination))
- CRDD (Customer Requested Delivery Date)
- CRM(S) (Customer Relationship Management System)
- CRSD (Customer Requested Shipment Date)
- CSCE (Statement of Changes in Equity)
- CSCF (Statement of Cash Flows)
- CSCI (Statement of Comprehensive Income)
- CSDD (Current Scheduled Delivery Date)
- CSF (Customer Specific Forecast)
- CSFP (Statement of Financial Position)
- CSSD (Current Scheduled Shipment Date)
- CTO (Configure-To-Order)
- CU (Curate)
- CUSDEC (EDIFACT Customs Declaration (CUSDEC))
- CUSEXP (EDIFACT Customs Express Consignment Declaration (CUSEXP))
- Carrier (Carrier)
- Consignee (Consignee)
- Consignor (Consignor)
- D&D (Demurrage and Detention)
- DAP (Delivered at Place (Destination))
- DAS (Dock Appointment Scheduling)
- DAT (Delivered at Terminal (Destination or Destination Port))
- DC (Distribution Center)
- DDP (Delivered Duty Paid (Destination))
- DELJIT (EDIFACT Delivery Just-In-Time (DELJIT))
- DESADV (EDIFACT Dispatch Advice (DESADV))
- DFZ (Duty-Free Zone)
- DL (Delivered)
- DOA (Defective On Arrival)
- DPL (Denied Party List)
- DRP (Distribution Requirements Planning)
- DRP-II (Distribution Resource Planning)
- DS (Design)
- DV (Develop)
- Dates (Commonly Used Dates)
- Demurrage (Demurrage)
- Depreciation (Depreciation)
- Detention (Detention)
- E-AWB (Electronic Air Waybill)
- E-BOM (Engineering BOM)
- E2E (End-to-End)
- EAN (International Article Number)
- EAS (Enterprise Application Software)
- EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
- EDIFACT (EDI For Administration, Commerce and Trade)
- EOL (End-of-Life)
- EOQ (Economic Order Quantity)
- EPS (Earnings per Share)
- ERP(S) (Enterprise Resource Planning System)
- ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance)
- ESIG (Electronic Signature)
- ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)
- ETD (Estimated Time of Departure)
- ETO (Engineer-to-Order)
- EX (Execute)
- EXW (Ex Works (Origin))
- F2P (Forecast-to-Plan)
- FAS (Free Alongside Ship (Departure Port))
- FCA (Free Carrier (Carrier))
- FCL (Full Container Load)
- FEFO (First Expired, First Out (FEFO))
- FF&S (Form, Fit & Seal)
- FG (Finished Goods)
- FIFO (First In, First Out)
- FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods)
- FOB (Free On Board (Departure Port))
- FSN (Field Safety Notice)
- FSU (Freight Status Update)
- FTL (Full Truck Load)
- Factoring (Accounts Receivable Factoring)
- Frameworks (Standard Frameworks)
- Funnel (Sales Funnel)
- GI (Goods Issue)
- GL (General Ledger)
- GR (Goods Receipt)
- GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance)
- GRC1 (Strategy Management)
- GRC2 (Policy and Procedure Management)
- GRC3 (Business Process Management)
- GRC4 (Performance Management)
- GRC5 (Risk Management)
- GRC6 (Controls Management)
- GRC7 (Audit Management)
- GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)
- Generic Stock (Generic Stock)
- Geographic Map
- H2R (Hire-to-Separation)
- HRM(S) (Human Resources Management System)
- HTLT (High Tech, Low Touch)
- HazMat (Hazardous Materials)
- I2O (Inquiry-to-Order)
- IAS01 (IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements)
- IAS02 (IAS 2 Inventories)
- IAS07 (IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows)
- IAS08 (IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Estimates & Errors)
- IAS10 (IAS 10 Events aft the Reporting Period)
- IAS11 (IAS 11 Construction Contracts*)
- IAS12 (IAS 12 Income Taxes)
- IAS16 (IAS 16 Property, Plant & Equipment)
- IAS17 (IAS 17 Leases*)
- IAS18 (IAS 18 Revenue*)
- IAS19 (IAS 19 Employee Benefits)
- IAS20 (IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants & Assistance)
- IAS21 (IAS 21 Effects of Foreign Exchange Rates)
- IAS23 (IAS 23 Borrowing Costs)
- IAS24 (IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures)
- IAS26 (IAS 26 Retirement Benefit Plans)
- IAS27 (IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements)
- IAS28 (IAS 28 Investments in Associates & Joint Ventures)
- IAS29 (IAS 29 Hyper-inflationary Economies)
- IAS32 (IAS 32 Presentation)
- IAS33 (IAS 33 Earnings per Share)
- IAS34 (IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting)
- IAS36 (IAS 36 Impairment of Assets)
- IAS37 (IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities & Contingent Assets)
- IAS38 (IAS 38 Intangible Assets)
- IAS39 (IAS 39 Recognition & Measurement*)
- IAS40 (IAS 40 Investment Property)
- IAS41 (IAS 41 Agriculture)
- ID (Ideate)
- IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)
- IFRS01 (IFRS 1 First-time Adoption)
- IFRS02 (IFRS 2 Share-based Payment)
- IFRS03 (IFRS 3 Business Combinations)
- IFRS04 (IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts)
- IFRS05 (IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale)
- IFRS06 (IFRS 6 Mineral Resources Exploration & Evaluation)
- IFRS07 (IFRS 7 Disclosures)
- IFRS08 (IFRS 8 Operating Segments)
- IFRS09 (IFRS 9 Financial Instruments)
- IFRS10 (IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements)
- IFRS11 (IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements)
- IFRS12 (IFRS 12 Interests in Other Entities)
- IFRS13 (IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement)
- IFRS14 (IFRS 14 Regulatory Deferral Accounts)
- IFRS15 (IFRS 15 Revenue)
- IFRS16 (IFRS 16 Leases)
- IFRS17 (IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts)
- IFTMAN (EDIFACT Arrival Notice (IFTMAN))
- IFTMBC (EDIFACT Booking Confirmation (IFTMBC))
- IFTMBP (EDIFACT Provisional Booking (IFTMBP))
- IFTMCS (EDIFACT Instruction Contract Status (IFTMCS))
- INCO (Incoterms)
- INV (Inventory)
- IQL (Information Qualified Lead)
- IR (Information Received)
- ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
- IT (In Transit)
- IV (Invoice Verification)
- Invoice (Invoice)
- JIS (Just-In-Sequence)
- JIT (Just-In-Time)
- KRI (Key Risk Indicator)
- KYC (Know Your Customer)
- Kanban (Kanban)
- LCL (Less-Than-Container Load)
- LIFO (Last In, First Out)
- LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System)
- LOLO (Lift On, Lift Off)
- LPN (License Plate Numbering)
- LSP (Logistics Service Provider)
- LTHT (Low Tech, High Touch)
- LTL (Less-Than-Truck Load)
- LTMT (Low Tech, Medium Touch)
- Land (Land Transport)
- Lead (Sales Lead)
- Load (Load type)
- M-BOM (Manufacturing BOM)
- MES (Manufacturing Execution System)
- MIT (Merge-In-Transit)
- MOFU (Middle of Sales Funnel)
- MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)
- MPS (Master Production Schedule)
- MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead)
- MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul)
- MRP (Material Requirements Planning)
- MRP-II (Manufacturing Resource Planning)
- MTO (Make-to-Order)
- MTS (Make-to-Stock)
- MaaS (Mobility-As-A-Service)
- Make (Make Product)
- Min/Max (Min/Max)
- NVOCC (Non-Vessel-Owning Common Carrier)
- O2C (Order-to-Cash)
- OAC (Other Accessorial Charge)
- OD (Out for Delivery)
- OE (Order Engineering)
- OP (Order Promising)
- OR (Order)
- ORDERS (EDIFACT Purchase Order (ORDERS))
- ORDRSP (EDIFACT Purchase Order Response (ORDRSP))
- OSDD (Original Scheduled Delivery Date)
- OSSD (Original Scheduled Shipment Date)
- OTB (Open-to-Buy)
- Order (Order)
- P-BOM (Planning BOM)
- P2M (Plan-to-Move)
- P2P (Plan-to-Produce)
- PL (Plan)
- PLC (Product Life Cycle)
- PLM(S) (Product Lifecycle Management Software)
- PO (Purchase Order)
- POD (Proof of Delivery)
- PP&E (Property, Plant & Equipment)
- PP&S (Pick, Pack & Ship)
- PQQ (Pre-Qualification Questionnaire)
- PRO (PRO Number)
- PS (Post)
- PTC (Pricing, Terms & Conditions)
- PTO (Package-to-Order)
- PU (Picked Up)
- PaaS (Product-As-A-Service)
- Payment Terms (Payment Terms)
- Q2C (Quote-to-Cash)
- QC (Quality Control)
- Quote (Quotation)
- R2A (Risk-to-Assurance)
- R2R (Record-to-Report)
- RBS (Risk Breakdown Structure)
- RBT (Risk Bow Tie)
- RC (Reconcile)
- RECADV (EDIFACT Receiving Advice (RECADV))
- REQ (Requisition)
- RFI (Request for Information)
- RFP (Request for Proposal)
- RFQ (Request for Quote)
- RL (Reverse Logistics)
- RL1 (Commercial Return)
- RL2 (Byproduct Return)
- RL3 (Quality Control Return)
- RL4 (Surplus Return)
- RL5 (Warranty Return)
- RL6 (Service Return)
- RL7 (Recall Return)
- RL8 (End-Of-Use Return)
- RL9 (End-Of-Life Return)
- RM (Raw Material)
- RMA (Return Authorization)
- RORO (Roll-On, Roll-Off)
- RP (Report)
- Retail (Retail)
- Risk Register (Risk Register)
- Risk Treatment Plan (Risk Treatment Plan)
- RosettaNet (RosettaNet)
- S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning)
- S2P (Source-to-Pay)
- SC (Schedule)
- SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code)
- SCCS (Supply Chain Configuration Strategy)
- SCF (Supply Chain Finance)
- SCN (Supply Chain Network)
- SCO (Supply Chain Outline)
- SCRM (Supply Chain Risk Management)
- SDF (Statistical Demand Forecast)
- SDG (Sustainable Development Goal)
- SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
- SFA (Sales Force Automation)
- SFCS (Shop Floor Control System)
- SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
- SM (Shipping Mode)
- SO (Sales Order)
- SOC (Order Confirmation)
- SOD (Segregation of Duties)
- SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea Convention)
- SOS (Special Order Service)
- SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002)
- SOX302 (Corporate Responsibility for Financial Reports (SOX 302))
- SOX404 (Management Assessment Of Internal Controls (SOX 404))
- SQL (Sales Qualified Lead)
- STO (Stock Transfer Order)
- Sample (Inspection Sample)
- Seller (Seller)
- Shipper (Shipper)
- Subassembly (Subassembly)
- T-DOC (Trade Documents)
- TLC (Total Landed Cost)
- TOFU (Top of Sales Funnel)
- Toller (Toll Manufacturer)
- UNGHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals)
- UNSDG (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals)
- UPC (Universal Product Code)
- VGM (Verified Gross Mass)
- VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory)
- WC (Working Capital)
- WHSE (Warehouse)
- WIP (Work-in-Process)
- WMS (Warehouse Management System)
- WO (Work Order)
- Water (Water Transport)
- X12 (ANSI ASC X12)
- XDK (Cross-Docking)